Process design of optimal parameters of efficiency and uniqueness of the enterprise production cycle process
Rashchupkina V.N.1
1 Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
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Экономика, предпринимательство и право (РИНЦ, ВАК)
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Том 13, Номер 12 (Декабрь 2023)
Эта статья проиндексирована РИНЦ, см.
The relevance of the chosen topic is motivated by the fact that today the development of economic relations sets new higher requirements for changing the principles and methodological approaches to the search for technical solutions and conducting research works in the conditions of digitalization of the economy, in order to improve the parameters of the technological production cycle. There is an urgent need for developing and using methodical and methodological standards for the regulation of innovative processes, within the framework of process design in managerial practice. The information methodological field, domestic, and external communications of control processes in technological systems of the enterprise based on the 9001:2015 series standard tools is substantiated in this scientific paper. The main components of the internal and external methodological field are identified. These components support the validity and effectiveness of the ongoing organizational and management decisions of various levels and technologies, including the classes of documents; locally-regulatory, operational and subjects of document management. The authors give the scientific idea which is based on the algorithm of a step-by-step matrix of project concept; implementation of process design in search of technical solutions; a regulatory and methodological operational document regulating the algorithm of consecutive blocks including a general technological scheme of production; methodical approach assessment of the key indicator of the effectiveness and uniqueness of the process (KPI&UP). The proposed methodological approach to analyze the appropriate statistics in terms of the conditions under the existing values of the parameters / indicator in TI gives grounds for the searching for technical solutions (including benchmarking) and carrying the studies in order to improve parameters, and as a result, KPI&UP division.
Ключевые слова: information and methodological field, project concept, process design, methodical approach, technological systems, digital economy
JEL-классификация: M11, M21, L26, O31
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