Digitalization impact on effectiveness of the urban development policy of Russian cities in comparative perspective
Morozova S.S.1, Kurochkin A.V.2
1 St. Petersburg University, Россия, Санкт-Петербург
2 Saint-Petersburg State University, Россия, Санкт-Петербург
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Вопросы инновационной экономики (РИНЦ, ВАК)
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Том 11, Номер 4 (Октябрь-декабрь 2021)
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The main goal of the article is to identify and assess the impact of digitalization on the effectiveness of the urban development policy of Russian cities. In this vein, special attention is paid to the coordination component of public administration. This research is based on the study which was held by authors in the format of an expert interview in 2020 in seven Russian cities - centers of digitalization. The current stage of the constitutional reform in the Russian Federation gives particular relevance to the presented study, which implies, among others, the institutionalization of a public power unified system, designed to ensure a higher efficiency level of coordination mechanisms for policy development and its implementation among all government levels, its balance and stability. The comparative analysis revealed certain patterns in the causes of the digitalization positive effects, as well as key obstacles arising in the process of urban development and affecting the strategic stability and the government system efficiency in the face of new global and regional challenges.
Ключевые слова: digitalization, public policy, institutionalization, urban development, coordination
The research and publication are funded by the Grants Council of the President of the Russian Federation (Grant №MK-3016.2021.2, Dynamic model formation for optimizing e-government in the Russian Federation in the case of new challenges and risks) (Svetlana Morozova) and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Alexander Kurochkin) (project № 21-011-31356, Сity government and self-government systems transformations study in the context of the constitutional institutionalization of the public authority unified system in the Russian Federation).
JEL-классификация: R12, R13, O31
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