Human capital and its impact on the innovative development of regions in Russia

Ustinova O.Е.1
1 Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Department of Management

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Экономические отношения (РИНЦ, ВАК)
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Том 9, Номер 2 (Апрель-Июнь 2019)

Ustinova O.Е. Human capital and its impact on the innovative development of regions in Russia // Экономические отношения. – 2019. – Том 9. – № 2. – С. 987-1008. – doi: 10.18334/eo.9.2.40733.

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Цитирований: 1 по состоянию на 31.03.2023

The advanced regional innovative system is one of the key aspects of effective performance of the regional economy and providing its competitiveness in the national and world markets. This requires a close study of the significance and role of the quality of the economic space in development of human capital. The purpose of this research is to develop the algorithm for assessing the influence of state (quality) of economic space on the formation of human capital and innovative development of territories. The methodological background of the research is the theory of spatial development and interaction, economic and mathematical models designed to study economic interactions, the concepts of Russian and foreign researchers in the field of intellectual capital, territorial and innovative development. Statistical methods, mathematical methods and methods of comparative analysis were used as methods for assessing the economic space. As the main results of the research there are formed systems for assessing the state (quality) of the economic space and its influence on the formation and development of human capital based on proposed algorithm for calculating integral indicators and instruments for allocating the type of economic space in the aspect of innovative development of territories.

Ключевые слова: indicators, innovative development, economic space, human capital, parameters, assessment

JEL-классификация: O31, O34, O32, M15


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