Migration outflow of population as a threat to personnel security of the region (on the example of the Irkutsk region)
Sukhodolov A.P.1, Ozernikova T.G.1, Kuznetsova N.V.1
1 Байкальский государственный университет
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Journal paper
Russian Journal of Labour Economics (РИНЦ, ВАК)
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Volume 5, Number 4 (October-December 2018)
Indexed in Russian Science Citation Index: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=37111722
Cited: 23 by 07.12.2023
The article is devoted to the study of the dynamics of migration processes in the Irkutsk region, for which the outflow of population is an urgent problem that worsens the conditions of socio-economic development.
The article considers the consequences of migration processes from the point of view of ensuring personnel security in the region, confirms the hypothesis of deterioration of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the labor potential of the Irkutsk region: the region loses its population mainly in working age. The growth of the share of skilled migrants, including those with higher education, in the structure of the negative balance of migration was noted. The hypothesis about the loss of a young region, the most competitive, well-educated citizens, with a high employment potential is confirmed.
The study was conducted on the basis of official data of the Federal state statistics service of the Russian Federation and the Territorial body of the Federal state statistics service of the Irkutsk region. In addition to the available official statistics, a sociological study of emigration attitudes of the population of the region (2018, quota representative sample, quotas – gender and age) was conducted.
Conclusions are drawn about the adverse impact of migration processes on the quality of the labor potential of the Irkutsk region, which hinders the development of the region and becomes one of the main threats to its personnel security.
Keywords: region, migration of population, Irkutsk region, migration outflow, threat to personnel security
JEL-classification: M59, J61, J62, J63
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