Purposes and features of the analysis of the integrated reporting, corporate capital and complex performance of business process

Khorin A.N.1, Brovkin A.V.2
1 Московский Государственный Университет имени М.В. Ломоносова, Russia
2 Московский государственный институт международных отношений (Университет) МИД России, Russia

Journal paper

Creative Economy (РИНЦ, ВАК)
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Volume 12, Number 4 (April 2018)


Indexed in Russian Science Citation Index: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=34961857
Cited: 10 by 07.12.2023

The article is devoted to the key features of integrated reporting and analysis. We consider goals of integrated reporting as a multidimensional measuring approach to monitoring the creation of company’s values and assessing the efficiency and performance of the organization in terms of economic indicators, environmental and social externalities. We analyze sources of formation of created values and ways to assess them; we describe the structure of corporate capital and approaches to grouping and analyzing its individual structural components. The text is supplemented by the necessary formulas and explanations to the calculation procedure. We’ve conducted the study using methods of analysis and systematization of data of practical methods and scientific research in the preparation and analysis of integrated reporting in conjunction with the author's proposals and developments. The main conclusions of the study include the following provisions: the value creation capabilities depend on access to resources not owned by the organization; for a comprehensive assessment of the organization's long-term prospects it is necessary to apply different approaches to the grouping of capital components; autoregressive value model is advisable to be used for assessing the economic, environmental and social organization's performance; and the values of the environmental and social components of the business process value should be given by the date of capital valuation, for which, the company's capital cost is recommended to be taken as the norm of discount rate.

Keywords: business process, performance, indicators, principles, business value, concepts, integrated reporting, corporate capital, value model, reporting goals

JEL-classification: M11, M42, M21


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