Some aspects of the Russian power industry development: external economic features

Mustafinov R.K.1
1 Попечительский Совет Международного института энергетической политики и дипломатии МГИМО

Journal paper

Russian Journal of Innovation Economics (РИНЦ, ВАК)
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Volume 7, Number 4 (October-December 2017)


Indexed in Russian Science Citation Index:
Cited: 11 by 05.09.2022

The priorities of the Russian export policy, in particular in the power sector, dwells upon the necessity to make its presence noticeable in overseas markets. The Russian energy strategy provides for the growth of electricity and power trade. In this article we analyze the key trends in the potential export development of electric power industry. We scrutinize each general direction of possible evolvement, taking into account national and supranational political environment and global energy innovation paradigm.

Keywords: renewable energy sources, innovation paradigm, export of electricity, interstate electric power associations

JEL-classification: Q43, F02, Q40, Q48


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