Review of the monograph “The South Pacific region and its image in Russia” / S.E. Pale, S.V. Dudnikov, D.S. Kochetkov, Moscow: Institute of Oriental Studies Russian Academy of Sciences, 2024
Zakharyev Ya.O.1
The global pandemic impact on the economic development of the shadow economy in the South Pacific states (Колмакова А.В.) Shadow Economy. Num. 4 / 2021
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Some issues of economic development in the Asia-Pacific region (Костюченко И.Г.) Journal of International Economic Affairs. Num. 1 / 2018
Investment development of municipalities in the region, taking into account their typology: conceptual and methodological aspect (Тонышева Л.Л., Кузнецова Н.Л. и др.) Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. Num. 7 / 2022
Journal paper
Journal of International Economic Affairs (РИНЦ, ВАК)
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Volume 15, Number 2 (April-June 2025)
New Zealand in the South Pacific region: the solutions for vital problems (Балашов В.В., Джавадов Т.Э.) Journal of International Economic Affairs. Num. 1 / 2019
Economic and territorial claims of the ASEAN states to the South Pacific in the context of gray schemes of the interregional shadow economy (Хазанов А.М., Воронин С.А.) Shadow Economy. Num. 1 / 2022
Pale S.E. Dudnikov S.V., Kochetkov D.S. (2024). Yuzhno-Tikhookeanskiy region i ego obraz v Rossii [The South Pacific region and its image in Russia] M.: FGBUN IVRAN. (in Russian).
Подробнее об авторе:
Захарьев Ярослав Олегович
ORCID: 0000-0002-9187-2343
SPIN ( 8487-9741
Zakharyev, Y. O. (in press). (2025). Review of the monograph “The South Pacific region and its image in Russia” / S.E. Pale, S.V. Dudnikov, D.S. Kochetkov, Moscow: Institute of Oriental Studies Russian Academy of Sciences, 2024. Journal of International Economic Affairs, 15(2).
Zakharyev YO. (in press). Review of the monograph “The South Pacific region and its image in Russia” / S.E. Pale, S.V. Dudnikov, D.S. Kochetkov, Moscow: Institute of Oriental Studies Russian Academy of Sciences, 2024. Journal of International Economic Affairs. 2025; 15(2).
MDPI and ACS Style
Zakharyev, Y.O. (in press). Review of the monograph “The South Pacific region and its image in Russia” / S.E. Pale, S.V. Dudnikov, D.S. Kochetkov, Moscow: Institute of Oriental Studies Russian Academy of Sciences, 2024. Journal of International Economic Affairs 2025, 15.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Zakharyev, Yaroslav Olegovich (in press). 2025 "Review of the monograph “The South Pacific region and its image in Russia” / S.E. Pale, S.V. Dudnikov, D.S. Kochetkov, Moscow: Institute of Oriental Studies Russian Academy of Sciences, 2024" Journal of International Economic Affairs 15, no. 2. (in press).
Innovatsionnoe predprinimatelstvo kak faktor ustoychivogo ekonomicheskogo razvitiya munitsipalnogo obrazovaniya (Никитенко С.М.) Creative Economy. Num. 11 / 2008
Methodological recommendations for assessing the development of the transport infrastructure of municipalities in the Moscow region (Морозова А. А.) Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. Num. 10 / 2024
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Investment development of municipalities in the region, taking into account their typology: conceptual and methodological aspect (Тонышева Л.Л., Кузнецова Н.Л. и др.) Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. Num. 7 / 2022
Some issues of economic development in the Asia-Pacific region (Костюченко И.Г.) Journal of International Economic Affairs. Num. 1 / 2018
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