Authors' instructions

The file with the article should contain (the volume of the entire file is up to 45,000 characters with spaces):

  1. Information about the author(s). The address is specified for the place of work.

Example: Ivan I. Ivanov – PhD,  Professor; MGIMO University, Moscow, Russia;  Research ID: D-0133-2013; ORCID: 0000-0002-0205-0678 (76 Vernadsky Avenue, Moscow,  119454, Russia; e-mail:

  1. The title of the article, abstract and keywords. The abstract should be within the range of 100-250 words (6-8 sentences). It should be indicated what the author has done new. The abstract should also contain information about who will be interested in the article.

  2. Acknowledgements: grant, etc. (if available)

  3. The text of the article with references in square brackets (it is recommended to adhere to the IMRAD structure). The article should have an Introduction, the Research part and a Conclusion. In the Introduction, the author need to justify the relevance of the topic, then give a literary review with references (in square brackets: for example, [16, p. 14-20]), specify the purpose, scientific novelty, the author's hypothesis. Present the methodology. The Research part of the article contains scientific research. In Conclusion, the identified problems and the author's recommendations for their solution are presented, as well as possible directions for further research.

  4. All figures and tables must have a number and a title. Under figures and tables their sources (references to the sources) should be given. For example, Source: compiled by the author in accordance with [6, p, 15].

  5. The references should be numbered and given in the original language.

  6. The provision on the responsibility of the author.